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DB option Enable / Disable 정리 방법 - Mos 참고

우뽕 2021.01.31 10:51 조회 수 : 1503 추천:1

Oracle DB option Disable /Enable 하는 문서 공유 합니다. 

필요할때 발생 시 버전에 맞게 수행 하시면 됩니다.



 For Database version 11g Release 2 (11.2.x).

On both Unix and Windows we use the chopt tool (available in 11.2) to disable Oracle Data Mining in the database.

Note: 11G Install guide recommends you remove  DMSYS schema if it exists. This is NOT the same as removing Oracle Data Mining. Do not disable Oracle Data Mining when all you want is to drop DMSYS schema.
  • On Linux/Unix platform as below:
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ srvctl stop database -d myDb
$ chopt disable dm
$ srvctl start database -d myDb
  • On Windows platform as below:


1. Shut down the database with srvctl or SQL*Plus:
srvctl stop database -d myDb

2. Stop the database service, OracleServiceSID, using the Services program in Control Panel.
3. Run the following commands:

cd %ORACLE_HOME%/bin
chopt disable dm

4. Start the database service, OracleServiceSID, using the Services program in Control Panel.

5. Start up the database:

srvctl start database -d myDb


For Database version 12c (12.1.x)

CHOPT can be used as per Oracle Document: Enabling and Disabling Database Options


The following example shows how to use the chopt tool to enable and disable the Oracle Data Mining option in an Oracle Database called Sales:


srvctl stop database -d Sales

chopt [ enable | disable] dm

 srvctl start database -d Sales


For Database version 12.2

ODM is part of Oracle Advanced Analytics (OAA).To disable ODM:
chopt disable oaa





8.3.6 Enabling and Disabling Database Options

When you install Oracle Database, some options are enabled and others are disabled. To enable or disable a particular database feature for an Oracle home, shut down the database and use the chopt tool. See Example 8-1.

The chopt tool is a command-line utility that is located in the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. The syntax for chopt is:

chopt [ enable | disable] db_option

The possible values for db_option are described in the following table:

Value Description
dm Oracle Data Mining RDBMS Files
olap Oracle OLAP
partitioning Oracle Partitioning
rat Oracle Real Application Testing

Example 8-1 Complete Example of Running the Chopt Tool

To enable the Oracle Data Mining option in your Oracle binary files, use the following command:

srvctl stop database -d myDb
chopt enable dm
srvctl start database -d myDb





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